She Thrives | meaningful conversations on women's health

Befriend you emotions: 5-minute guided meditation to cope with disrupting emotional state

December 12, 2020 Katara Moves
She Thrives | meaningful conversations on women's health
Befriend you emotions: 5-minute guided meditation to cope with disrupting emotional state
Show Notes

Emotions are inevitable. 
When we worry about future, we feel anxious. 
When we ruminate about the past – we may feel sad or angry. 
Emotions have right to exist. They make us human. Nevertheless, we believe that there are good and bad emotions. We don't like to feel sad, scared or angry. We prefer to feel joyful, in love and happy. 
The more we suppress certain 'bad' emotions, the more they persist, like demons, attacking and suffocating us. Yet. as we turn our face towards them eager to face what is there – the emotion tends to lessen, be tamed. When we locate the emotion in our body – it becomes something very tangible we can label and explore (burning, tensing, heating, squeezing). We become able to manage it or even befriend it.